Do not put faith in
traditions, even though they have been accepted for long generations and in
many countries. Do not believe a thing
because many repeat it. Do not accept a thing on the authority of one or
another of the sages of old, nor on the ground that a statement is found in the
books. Never believe anything because probability is in its favour. Do not
believe in that which you have yourselves imagined, thinking that a god has
inspired it. Believe nothing merely on the authority of your teachers or of the
priests. After examination, believe that which you have tested for yourselves
and found reasonable, which is in conformity with your well-being and that of
The Buddha - from the Kalama Sutra tr Alexandra David-Neal
The Buddha - from the Kalama Sutra tr Alexandra David-Neal
What we are today comes from
our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow
: our life is the creation of our mind.
Dhammapada - Translated by J.Mascaro
Cease to do evil, learn to do good, cleanse your own heart
This is the teaching of all
the Buddhas.
Dhammapada . verse 183 - Translated J.Austin
And some considerations...