Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Baby Grand - The next chapter... Mid-70's...

Bassman Gwyn left to attend Uni.... (he would be back with me, Alan and Earl in The O T Band in later years)                      

A change of drummer, Alan Hawkins, plus new bass/keyboards Paul and percussionist/drummer Ian
A new name 'Baby Grand' with a funkier edge to mostly original compositions ...Some great guitar from Ray (he's the louder one !) and what a sublime vocal by Earl on the version of 'Bluesette' here - And some powerhouse drumming from the fabulous Alan...(he's the one that went for an audition...got a call later to join the band...but refused,,,twice!...It was for what would become T Rex !!!)...Click here to listen : https://soundcloud.com/user-81292978/sets/baby-grand-wish-i-could-be-there-with-you

Sunday, 3 November 2013

ARDON - 1972...Early Days !!!

Hear here for some early 70's live recordings and a 4 track demo of original compositions that was taken around to record companies by our then manager. Freddie Mack aka Mr Superbad (American ex-boxer - Check him on Wikipedia) and received 3 offers to record - Not realised due to arguments over production etc - We were never  privy to these discussions. That's life !

From our first gig : Track 1 - 'Ardon Woman' was an attempt by Gywn & me to imitate our heroes 'Cream'  and the instrumental section (totally improvised)  is  quite unique - How many other bands (at the time) had this togetherism ? After this first gig we became a 5 piece with the addition of Ray Hawkins , my closest friend and  ace guitarist ( my mentor)  and we became a real band with potential...

We continued to support other name bands at the time, ChickenShack...Snafu..Man..Stackridge...Stray and many others ..I can't remember..and we were always encored ! That's unusual for a support band ( in those days! ) We were the first band booked to play at 'Upstairs At Ronnie's'  on the opening night...Another time we attended an audition in a large hall with a dozen other groups setting up in limited space...we played after a couple of the others...2 tracks...We got a standing ovation from all the other guys present...and yes we got an offer ! Great days of youth. 

The great laughs you see in the last pic above - We had a puff...and Ray had just called the photographer the 'C'  word ... in jest...!  LOL! LOL!

And BTW the Gibson Firebird that I hold in my hands ...came from Eric Clapton...in his junkie days...via a friend ( it was Ray's) and sounded great with a lovely action ! Where is it now?...I sold my  Gibson SG too...and bought a Les Paul Standard ... see later pics ...It played itself ! In later days I became a committed Fender Strat  man !

I've not expected any comments at this blog ! But ...if you wish...feel free to say something.
Ardon with friends

Gwyn & Gus

Various Artists - The O T Band Covers-Influences

Various Artists - The O T Band Covers-Influences Here is a 52 track compilation of the songs that The O T Band regularly covered/featured ...